Dear Last Year's Teacher:

You seemed to have a kind heart, but lacked the will to stand up to that ogre of an administrator who refused to believe that our son was gifted, let alone as exceptionally gifted as testing later proved. I so wish that you had stood up to her and had let our son move on to the next grade, with the teacher who "got" him. You knew he was very bright, but couldn't seem to grasp that was the reason for his entertaining of the class at too many inappropriate times. I'm sure he frustrated you beyond measure and I do feel somewhat badly about that, but rest assured, he lost more privileges at home last year than he would have if we had known how absolutely unfit that classroom was for him.

I know you cared about him and wanted him to succeed, but am still so confused about how such an experienced teacher couldn't have realized you weren't meeting his needs at all. Thank you for finally agreeing to let him use the next year's math book in class so he could go through it mostly on his own and advance a year in a few month's time. That's something, at least.