Dear soul crushing teacher,

It's obvious you wouldn't choose more challenging work yourself simply for the love of learning, but threatening to keep my son after school if he makes mistakes on the difficult work he chooses is shocking. When you should have congratulated him on his drive to learn and instead left him afraid to try, I knew you were the kind of person my son needed to be kept away from.

I am thankful to you, though, because if you hadn't been so incredibly bad at teaching my son, I wouldn't have pulled him out of the "rigorous" high-stress school he was attending. Without your negative attitude, I wouldn't have seen his voracious appetite for knowledge finally satisfied at home with self-paced online classes and tutors we've hired whose goal is to take him where he wants to go, not keep him in line with other students his age.

So thank you for being so terrible. It was painful for a few months, but it was the best thing that could have happened to my son.