Dear DD's Homeroom Teacher:

DD calls you "the vampire," because you suck the fun out of school. DW has seen this firsthand when she volunteered to help at parties. If you're constantly barking at the kids about how to sit during a party game, what are you like during instructional time? Chill out. Nobody likes a micromanager.

We have no idea why you felt it necessary to announce DD's age to the entire class during the first week of school. DD would have fit in just fine despite being skipped a grade, and did fit in by the end of the year, no thanks to you. Why would you deliberately try to make things difficult for her? How would you like it if we dropped into the teacher's lounge and started telling about your marriage difficulties, or your misbehaviors as a teenager? You're supposed to be the adult in the room, so please act like it.

We expected that there would be issues getting DD instruction in social studies because part of your instructional time overlaps with her gifted LA pull-out. We requested a copy of the book so we could supplement at home. However, we never saw any homework coming home except for Daily Geography, so we had no guide on how the class was progressing, and DD had reason to believe that nobody in the class was getting any social studies instruction, so she wasn't missing out on anything. We really didn't appreciate having to hothouse DD through a year's worth of cramming the week before state testing.

DD reports that you're moving to 5th grade next year, prompting her to say, "the vampire is stalking me!" We know that teachers can request certain students, and a child like our DD, who is so well-behaved, and so high achieving, is a great place to start a class. Please don't request her. DD doesn't like you, and she deserves a change. We understand that she's probably not going to learn much in homeroom anyway, but she still deserves to be in a place with a teacher who is introducing the necessary material and not barking all day.