Dear Petty Teacher,

Do you sleep well at night? Are you pleased with yourself? Do you think you proved our daughter is not as smart as she really is by giving her a poor enough grade on her final assignment to drop her an entire letter grade? Does this make you feel vindicated in some way or prove that you are superior to a 10 year old - really!?!

We find it amusing that what you counted as a misspelling on her assignment was not misspelled at all. If you knew how to spell or had actually looked that word up you would have realized our daughter spelled it correctly. I can look it up for you in the dictionary and show you if you need me to. The other things you counted wrong were completely subjective and entirely based on your opinion, which makes it very obvious you are biased against our daughter.

Do you really think we can't see what you are doing and do you really think we will allow you to get away with it?

I'm so incredibly tired of battling you, so we might at well just have it out and get it over with. It is obvious to me that you should go back to teaching remedial classes because you seem to be intimidated by an advanced student.

Mama Grizzly Bear ********

Last edited by Mark Dlugosz; 05/22/14 09:07 AM. Reason: * Edited for tone