Dear horrible long-term substitute from second grade,

I just want you to know that four years later, just the mention of second grade still prompts an anxiety response from my daughter because of you. Without knowing anything about my twice-exceptional daughter, you summarily told her that she had no place being in a gt classroom. You never looked at her file. You never read the report from the educational psychologist indicating that she has a three sigma IQ and dyslexia/dysgraphia. You never spoke with the school psychologist who strongly advocated for her being in that class despite the well-documented fact that she couldn't spell (your obsession). You focused so hard on her deficits that you couldn't see anything else. You had no understanding of her social and emotional needs. You humilated my child and caused deep wounds to her self-esteem. Talking with other parents over the years, I've learned that you caused damaged to a large number of children in that class. I hope that you have found a new profession.