Dear amazing K-1 teacher,

We can't believe how lucky we are that you moved to our school and took DD's class for its second year. Every child in that room is happier than they were last year and feels 'seen' and appreciated for who they are. Not only that, you are willing to create a math group where DD can consider math concepts at her own pace, and explain that OF COURSE 8 has a square root, it just isn't a whole number. I doubt that her sister's first grade teacher even knew that, much less had the courage to let her students play with these concepts. In my kids' combined 13 years of public school and nonselective preschool, you are the best teacher either has ever had.

Whether we eventually change schools because we know what a school year could be, or stay because we have learned enough about our child to ignore things that don't matter, your influence at the beginning of her school career will resonate throughout her life. Thank you.