Sorry, I should have clarified since the discussion has turned toward SAT from K admission test. My DD is going through admission process this fall for a private K-12 school and their cutoff is around 92%ile to 95%ile, depending on the year. They give an abbreviated of standard IQ test. Maybe I should be panicking since I know many children who are applying have been going to a test prep center since age 2 as well as working with a tutor but I didn't want to go down that road. I didn't want test prep to define her childhood.

I don't think I can make DD "smarter" in the next few months. So in that sense, there isn't much point in prepping her but I'm not sure if getting her a workbook like this would be too close to cheating for my own comfort level:

ETA: We're also applying to an academic hothousing school that gives IQ and achievement test. I think DD would get in there. The other school also looks more into her social skills and other global readiness and she'd be one of the youngest girls for the application pool. That is why I think she has to ace the IQ test so they'd have a reason to overlook her quirkiness and immaturity. She can be charming and endearing if she wants to but it comes and goes.

Last edited by Mana; 07/12/14 06:00 PM.