Originally Posted by Nautigal
But having the doors locked, with security cameras rolling and sign-in procedures in place, is no guarantee of security -- the shooter at Sandy Hook broke the glass and unlocked the door, and was duly recorded while doing so. All of these things are only an illusion of safety, while being a real invasion of privacy at the same time. The shooters will get in if they want to, and the child molesters are already there.

See this is exactly my feeling on it! And when I state that people look at me like I am insane. But, really, how is this not common sense and obvious? Suddenly since Sandy Hook there is all this "security" (our school immediately put cameras all up and the doors are all locked and you have to be buzzed in, etc) Uh ,if a maniac wants to shoot their way in with some sort of crazy automatic rifle that spews 100 bullets in 3 minutes then he's gonna do it - just like at Sandy Hook (where they had all that security!) Our school spent of $500,000 on it! 500,000 dollars! It made me sick! Particularly because that is not the answer to the problem! However, colleagues pointed out that it wasn't really about keeping kids safe - its about mitigating the schools liability in the event a shooting does happen and since that is becoming ever more likely ...

Having said that, I do think some protocol is needed and schools do need to be careful. In neighboring districts we have had adults either posing as a parent or a family friend come in and literally kidnap (and then molest) a child. Terrible. Awful. Crazy.

ETA: The cameras have proved their usefulness as well - when I went to pick up DS in the middle of the day and the school wasn't sure where he was she looked at the security camera and could see he was leaving the cafeteria and was on his way to the classroom. I begrudgingly had to admit that was handy .

Last edited by Irena; 06/17/14 04:13 PM.