Originally Posted by somewhereonearth
Originally Posted by aquinas
Somewhereonearth, as an aside, I think our husbands would get along. DH, a lawyer, goes from polite and terse to an ungodly firestorm of argument-decimating verbal ripostes in the blink of an eye. People think I'm the bad cop until they meet his game face. He leaves no survivors.

Sounds like they would be best buddies. Of course, my DH being so terse, wouldn't have too much to say to your husband, or to anyone else.

I can fill in for terse. My verbosity makes up for it, but I do know how to be very very quiet and nice-seeming until I'm crossed.

I regularly give school staffers and administrators a sense of cognitive dissonance sufficient to give them mental whiplash, actually.

Are you good cop? Or bad cop? they wonder...

YES. I am. grin

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.