Yes, our district's stated goal is for each child to find their course on the "personalized learning pathway." LOL! Then if you question them and say that your child is off course in terms of the "personalized learning pathway", they're not interested. All this upper level admin person cared about was the fact that DS is not being pulled out of class for his IEP minutes. Because she knows we can sue them and there are legal ramifications.

Personally I think gifted education should be mandated in every state. If a kid scores above the 98th percentile on an IQ test or achievement testing, they get a gifted/talented IEP. Of course, then school districts will complain about how this is unfunded (yet another unfunded mandate for them to deal with). And they will try to eliminate gifted kids just like they do special needs kids. If funding was guaranteed to them though, and they actually benefited financially from having gifted kids in their schools, imagine how well they would do.