I talked to upper level admin and said that principals keep asking me "What is it that you want?" (like I'm a crazy, super-demanding tiger mother). What is it that I want? I want my children to make at least one year academic gain in every subject in school each year without being enriched/supplemented at home, just like what is expected of children of average abilities. No one knows how to reply to this. In their minds, the kid is already ahead, they have met the "standards" so there is no problem if they don't learn anything in school for years on end.
There is no way my kids are going to eventually level out unless they learn absolutely nothing (either from home or school) in reading and math for the next 2-3 years in school. As long as they pass the school's standardized testing and they receive revenue for my children, that's all that matters. My kids are simply warm bodies that generate revenue, occupy space and produce scores. If they become too demanding in terms of "special needs" (god forbid they would have to hire another speech or occupational therapist to give my child 20 minutes per week), the school will try to figure out how to eliminate them.
The crazy thing is, there are so many parents who would be willing to come in and help the school for free. Parents have offered to go into DD's class and pull the gifted cluster for math. Same thing for DS's class. I would go in and work with kids who are struggling too. I've done it before and have experience. But the school wants to keep parents out, then they complain about how hard their jobs are.