
I find it bewildering, that dichotomy. Unfortunately, I seem to have one of those children who isn't happily working on her second Fields Medal-worthy dissertation at 14... but on the other, she is far beyond what most school guidance counselors have ever seen live and in person.

Once they talk to her and look at who and what she is, experienced administrators take a step back, do a double take, and admit that they've "heard that we had one of these a few years ago." Or they "know of a boy/girl like that," or something equivalent.

At least that has been our experience. I figure that means that the local guidance counselor, who has seen about 20,000 kids over his career, and 'heard about' as many as another 30K... has seen one other child like mine, and heard of one other. Most of DD's teachers haven't ever seen another PG child.

(Well, not true-- but effectively she attends a school that serves as something of a magnet for kids at high LOG because conventional B&M schooling here does SO bloody little for them-- so there are a handful of them in her school of 4K+ students. Two in a class of 370 something. Both graduating in the top four. They are NOTHING like one another, other than being academic hotshots.)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.