So, I spoke with the teacher this morning. It was not a pleasant conversation, which was mostly my fault because quite honestly I am losing my patience with the stupidity... Anyway, it was about "obedience" and he was "disobedient" and this is to "teach him to follow directions." He was told several times he could only read books from the basket and he disobeys by reading the books I sent in from home and books from library exchange. I told her that was unacceptable, the books are on his level (because God forbid there is challenge or encouragement to go above your level) and they are appropriate and he should be permitted to read them. I also told her this should not be about "following directions" or "obedience" - it should be about READING and encouraging a love for reading.

I told her I would send in books as a donation for 100 book challenege basket for him (and others) to read. I told her I would level and label them too. In the meantime, he can read his Ice Wizard book. So I just spent over $30.00 on books for 100 book challenge basket. I am sure I'll have to do the same again when he moves to "white" level in a few months. (Gonna visit the Goodwill before then to get some books hopefully!)