Good idea, MON, I mentioned in my voicemail that I would be more than happy to provide the school with several copies of several magic treehouse books, secrets of droon, etc. I can even do the leveling and put the red tape on the side of the book for them (contrary to what she told DS, a 'reading specialist' is not the only who can level the books the books are leveled on the website and there is chart of correlations with other leveling systems... it's really not that a big mystery nor does it necessitate a 'specialist.') However, I am slightly annoyed that I already pay lie 12,000 in school tax alone, plus all of the fees and such and in addition I have to pay for mathnasium to get my kid taught proper math, pay for chess club at another school b/c DS can't go in school's chess club until 3rd grade, and now I have to provide books? Geeze. But I am more than willing to do it.... Amazon has used paperback books for pennies.

Last edited by Irena; 10/02/13 05:32 PM.