I personally believe it is important to expose young kids to various activities etc, so they can find what it is that they really enjoy and perhaps are also good at.

I have friends who have kids in so many activities, they can barely keep them straight, and arranging playdates is tough. but if the kids are happy and thriving with all the extra activites, I think that is what is important.

I have no problem about cruise director parents or whatever name you want to call it, IF it is what the kid wants like polarbear described her one dtr.

I cringe when the kid is begging not to go, would rather do a different activity etc. or just stay home and have free time to explore their own creativity--- also what it sounds like polarbear does for her middle dtr? ((which yes does prove that polar is treating each childs needs individually as is I think very important smile ))

fwit, my own DS has a love of art- acrylics to be exact. so he enjoys art camp that is nothing but art. lunch time to ea but no breaks on playground to play tag or slide. just art. he thrives. so this is his major summer thing. aside from this, he loves to just sorta be "free" to do whatever he wants, maybe read, or create something, just play alone within his own imagination, he loves all that. he also enjoys playing with friends.

DS also begs me to do martial arts, but I can't afford it...
*I will be "forcing" DS to take swimming lessons. a needed necessity for socal living= interesting DS loves the water, but refuses lessons!

One can never consent to creep when
one feels an impulse to soar!
~Helen Keller