Originally Posted by cdfox
I've been trying to put a lid on some of what my ds7 shows (ie. his Tikal Times or Codices or a book on the Chavin). However, ds7's so eager to share what he's read and learnt that he can't help himself using the vocabulary or terms. He thinks other kids will be interested too. Of course, most kids have no clue what these terms are or what he's talking about, but ds7 seeks to enlighten them or more like teach them.

I don't believe my son (6) is PG, but he does this also with his Kindergarten class. On his "share day" he wants to bring in his anemometer and talk about wind speed. I've had to nix that idea because he's in a typical classroom (non-gifted) and those kids barely know about wind, let alone a way of measuring it's speed.

Originally Posted by cdfox
Then, the other parents overhear what my ds7 says or does; they do a double-take and turn their heads. This is the point when I want to hide under the table or rug if one was available. I usually blush and just shake my head, laugh, or plead ignorance on where or how my son got these crazy ideas or how he got interested in these subjects.

When DS was around two, I was in Target and a mother came in with her two twin (?) pre-teens. I overheard the conversation between the siblings and my head whipped around. These kids were conversing (arguing points, actually) on a level seldom heard between adults, let alone twelve-ish year old children. I was sorely tempted to hail her and pick her brain on where her children were when they were two because at that stage, I realized DS was beyond the baby book milestones...way beyond.

But that being said, one would think mothers and fathers of gifted children would understand that there are different levels and not get so "freaked out" about it as you describe. It is what it is. The kids are all on their own path...get over it, right?

Originally Posted by cdfox
Usually most other parents smile or laugh about ds7, but unfortunately, some people get caught up in what ds7 is doing or saying and how their child isn't doing or coming up with similar ideas/words/etc. These parents refuse to believe that some children can come up with crazy ideas on their own or become experts on something that they're ignorant on. They think I MUST be directing him in some capacity. And, of course, I'm not. Instead, I often feel like ds7 is directing me! And of course they'd never believe that one.

This sounds suspiciously like parents of typical children. Of course you understand what I mean by "typical". (I hate the term "normal", btw.) Are you sure these are parents of bonafide gifted kids?