DeeDee: She is SO HARD to figure out! OMG. "What's your concern?...okay....any other concerns? Is there anything you feel anxious about? Anything else you might be worried about? Could it be.... (WILD GUESS HERE)" has been working sometimes. Only sometimes, though.

I don't like trading in stereotypes, but in some ways she is very very....Mars? She has no trouble externalizing--except that she never hits. Expressing anger--sure, why not? Hostility--she's great with that. Vulnerability...she would really prefer not to be vulnerable. She has a lot invested in being tough. She loves bugs, snakes, scary rides, etc. She can hike for hours without complaint and does not feel much physical pain--although if you have to remove a splinter, look out.

I do still feel she is mildly impaired on perspective taking as well. However--boy, oh, boy, is she turning into a great liar. frown

Sorry. Threadjacking.