That's the key, I think. We can get a lot of things for DD because she has a 504 plan. Now, some of those things aren't things that would garner any accommodation otherwise... and have, simultaneously, NOTHING to do with her qualifying condition...

What that means, unfortunately, is that without a qualifying diagnosis or evidence of impairment that impacts major life activities, you may be relying on largesse alone to mitigate the poor fit.

It's not how it should be, for sure-- because if your neuropsych is correct, this is pretty profound impact from a situation that the school is setting up, but I'm not sure (short of an IEP/504) what you're going to be able to do about it. KWIM?

Some anxiety diagnoses can be qualifying for section 504-- but the impairment probably has to be a lot more global.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.