Just a thought,
and my own opinions of course, and all that....

but if the teacher reported all that "negativity"- do they then in course of the day perhaps somehow convey their thoughts to your child? I mean, if a teacher thinks she showing Conduct Disorder issues- which btw is VERY serious and many think the worst pediatric mental illness to be diagnosed-- (((I am currently learning all about ODD and Conduct b/c my DS6 BF is very ODD/adhd and possible Conduct in future if current issues not dealt with- and it is scary stuff frown

ok, so if Teacher etc, think such thoughts- your child may pick up on this and of course she would have cause to be upset/anxious- what the adults at school are thinking, may affect the way they treat her, respond to her, etc etc!

DS6 picked up on the teacher felt he was "stupid" b/c she wouldn't teach him new things. Fact is she came across this way to him, and to me- She basically doesn't feel a child who is Autistic can also be possibly gifted.

so again, that's my opinion, but I just feel-- it can't possibly be helping your child if this is how the adults at school observe her to be. I am assuming they "observed" her, and wrote their observations down?

(((interestingly enough, DS's BF's teachers all wrote wonderful "observations" down, so yes, all the problems were sort of listed, but they "loved having him in class" yadayada and he is adorable kiddo but neuropsych felt that they were not Objective ENOUGH! compared to what they finding with kid.)))

One can never consent to creep when
one feels an impulse to soar!
~Helen Keller