Congrats on the successful IEP meeting!!!

Re the scribing - I think that I'd leave it at "scribe will be provided for any written work longer than xx # of sentences"... and tell your ds that's the way it's going to work, and that if he gets frustrated and wants to write more on his own, he can do that at home. Will he miss some opportunities to write when it might not have impacted him? Maybe. OTOH, the thing I'd be most concerned about (outside of potentially having the teachers think he was going to be able to grow out of the accommodation) is that when my ds was younger, he really didn't know his limits re what the impact of handwriting would be - in many ways. One of those was fatigue - he didn't realize that if he spent 15 minutes writing he might become so tired that he couldn't give 100% on the next class assignment, or that he might burn out by the end of the day and be either frustrated and unhappy at home or not be able to complete his homework. When ds was younger he also didn't realize the difference in the quality of his handwriting vs what he wrote with typing/scribing. DS was also highly driven by not wanting to be different than the other kids, so there were times when he chose handwriting over accommodations because he simply didn't want to be different. So for all of those reasons, if it was my ds, I'd not give him the option to write more in class if he felt like it.

I've been in the position where ds' school argued that they wanted to remove an accommodation because his teacher claimed ds was choosing not to use his accommodation. I argued (successfully) to keep the accommodation by showing the same documentation (neuropsych report, testing results, examples of classroom work). When the teachers and school staff tried to assert that "ds isn't choosing to use his accommodations" I just kept nicely stating "he needs accommodation ___ because he's dysgraphic, this is an example of his work with and without the accommodation.." etc. Sooooo.... I also wouldn't overly worry that your ds is going to create a situation where the school takes an accommodation away simply because he wrote more on his own occasionally. Especially if he's writing more than 3 sentences because his para isn't available immediately - that sounds more like an argument that the para needs to be more available!

Hope that makes sense smile

Best wishes,
