I'm very sorry to tell you this, but my DD is nearing 7 and still talks nonstop. eek I have to say, she comes by it naturally; I still remember myself at that age, and I drove my brother insane.

I don't think I could handle it if I had been home with her all the time before she started school.

Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!

I've tried answering her in a mocking version of her shriek, to make a point, but unfortunately all it's done is become a habit for me, so that when either kid says "Mom!" I automatically shriek "What?"

I've had some slight success with inquiring "is anyone bleeding?" "Is anyone on fire?" but it only gets a momentary respite before the summons resume.

My mother is undoubtedly laughing her butt off at me when I can't go to the bathroom without at least one child. smile