See, this is why I *GO* to work...... I have three kids who are HG or EG. If I didn't' get time out I would be a very cranky person indeed.
In fact this came up today, my boss, said TGIF (Thank God it's Friday, does that work in American english?) and I said, well weekends are not less work than work for me, really.
My kids don't' need much sleep. Two of them talk all the time.
My youngest was just early entered to school two weeks ago after testing at 99.9th. She is not tired at all and she has after school activities 4 days a week. It's insane....
My only helpful advice is, you really really need some time out and if you don't get it it won't' be nice. For me, work is time out from kids and kids is time out from work. But it's still very draining.
Also and I am aware of how bad this sounds, my 4 year old watches a lot of TV. SHe is 4 and her favourite shows are the simpsons, big bang theory and horrible histories.