Anything TV related seems to be a big no-no. I find that a bit frustrating. I wonder what the research says about combining, say mealtimes and books (which we also do). For that matter we combine mealtimes with discussion, too (sometimes all three, simultaneously wink ) Or eating and travelling (which we also do) I know the parenting experts here want kids to always sit at a table, and do nothing but eat while the eat. DS, under those conditions, simply does not eat. At all. Well, ok, it's not simply that, he also tantrums extensively about being asked to put down stuff, come to the table, that stuff. And then he's hungry, so he tantrums about everything else, too.

Food is also kinda frustrating. Mine stopped growing taller for a while when he was 2 hitting 3, and when we paid attention, he was eating 300 calories a day, which, uh, yeah, not enough.

Anyway, I'd be interested in following up on the research you mention, we were not given a lot of advice, beyond "add oil," and to be honest, my natural approach was just to get him eating, however possible. I've kept it healthy, but that's my only real rule (I see some people using junk food as a way around not-eating, but that doesn't even work for us, so, ya know. I do let him have more yop/juice/milk than is sometimes advised...)

What exactly IS one supposed to do about not-eating? (sorry, I'm supposed to be able to manage the not-whining thing, aren't I ;))


DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!