Originally Posted by Somerdai
I am an introvert and DS has been intense since he was born. Up until recently, DH really had no idea what I was talking about when I would say that I just needed a break. "How hard can just one child be?" was his attitude. But when DD (1 month) was born and DH started spending 6-7 hours a day with DS, he suddenly had a whole new appreciation for what I've been through the last three years. Even though he's an extrovert, DH said he's never felt so drained in his entire life. smile


Finding older, verbal, and energetic children for him to play with (neighbors and cousins) has been very helpful as well.

Oh my goodness, I hate to admit this even in a forum of like-minded people, but raising our little boy has been so hard that we're not sure we can handle having another baby. I look at all the women I know who had kids at the same time we did, and most are on their second baby, and some on their third, and I feel so, so disheartened. I would love for us to have another child, but I'm just not sure we can do it.

And second, the older child thing is interesting. I had been avoiding letting my kid play with older kids (out of a possibly-misguided concern that his emotional development isn't in the right place) but he's been playing with a neighborhood 6yo recently and having a really good time. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier.

Anyway, TV, and food. I relate to a lot of what people are saying.

I have a lot of bad feelings and guilt about how much TV my kid watches. My ideal is basically zero, so it's not like we're watching seven hours of TV a day or anything. But I feel bad about the TV we do watch. My husband just said something about feeling awful about "using TV to anesthetize" our son, and that's pretty much how I feel.

I would love to have a calm, vaguely Waldorfy home with no screens and a lot of watercoloring. But that is just not my reality in this moment, and I no longer really feel that it's possible, at least not right now. My son is just so... he's so intense. He needs so much - input, attention, conversation, information. And he's so very persistent. And easily bored by things that do not fully grab him. (That is, I can spend 10 minutes setting up some complex activity I think is going to be very successful, and 20 seconds later he's like "Yeah... I see what you did here. Thanks. What else?")

TV is the one reliable thing that will focus him on something that isn't me for a few minutes at a time. We don't have normal TV (we have a roku, so no commercials) and we restrict his viewing pretty strictly to certain types of programming. So there are certainly ways we could be doing worse than we are. But... I still have the guilt and I wish it were different, but I literally don't know what else to do to cope!

(I too let him eat while playing. I know this is not Ellyn Satter-approved, but like many, he's so easily distractable by non-eating activities. I'm doing the best I can here, and our diet is totally junk-free, so... I don't know. I often think of things I want to change or improve about our family life, and then I immediately think about how I am 100% focused on my child already, I just don't know where the ability to change things like eating while he plays is going to come from.)

Phew. I'm having a particularly hard time today. I'm really glad this forum exists. It's so nice to know that other parents are where I am.