Originally Posted by appleblossom
Oh my goodness, I hate to admit this even in a forum of like-minded people, but raising our little boy has been so hard that we're not sure we can handle having another baby. I look at all the women I know who had kids at the same time we did, and most are on their second baby, and some on their third, and I feel so, so disheartened. I would love for us to have another child, but I'm just not sure we can do it.

This is exactly where I was a little over a year ago. My husband was strongly against the idea of another baby because we knew we couldn't survive more years like the ones we'd just been through. But I thought, what are the odds... Thankfully DD1m is the mellow baby we prayed for, but I see a gleam in her eye sometimes that makes me wonder what we're in for further down the road.

I'm not going to lie though, pregnancy was hard because I had even less energy than normal. I looked into preschools, but nothing that seemed like a good fit ended up working out. I felt bad that I couldn't play with DS3 as actively while I was pregnant and after DD was born, not having as much time for DS made me feel very guilty at times. It's been a tough adjustment, but not quite as bad as I imagined. This was partly thanks to my husband, who used up all his vacation time and worked from home whenever possible, since we knew our son would need a lot of help with the transition.

All that said, I wouldn't change things and I'm glad we went for it. But it's such a personal decision. We are definitely done at two, no more Russian roulette for me since I'm not sure how #3 would turn out. I don't want to push my luck. smile