Originally Posted by Michaela
DS could control a soccer ball at 10 mos

Wow!!!! That is SO awesome... That stuff just blows me away. My two were not in ANY way gross-motor advanced. Not at all. They've just had cognitive/fine motor advancements. DD was bang on average and DS was delayed.

It's interesting. DD is in figure skating, and her anxiety is hampering her average ability. She is doing fine, but you can sure see the difference between the way she skates Vs. the non-perfectionist average-ability skaters. She can learn everything that she's taught (even won an award), but is very reserved and careful in her style, and is not at all expressive or performance-like.

She LOVES it though.. (you'd never know it to watch her). This makes me laugh and remember her fifth birthday when she got a gift she'd been hoping for from her cousin and she just stared, poker faced, at it. Cousin's Dad said "I thought she wanted that." and I said "She does!! She's thrilled!! That's her in-front-of people excited face!!" LOL that's how she skates. Very... deer in the headlights. Very... "the world will tumble like a house of cards if I make even one small mistake."

At 10 months my DD was just furniture walking and had just figured out what crawling was... (she didn't walk until 13 months, DS not until 15).