ultramarina - my obviously 2E daughter (not the much more normal HG one mentioned above that has ADD) has a formal DX of CAPD, but only just. She scored 98% on most of the test. And 2% on two sections (the requirement to get a DX). I think even with the two scores at 2% they only diagnosed after I pointed out that she had a 4SD spread and that 2SDs was considered a problem for normal kids. IQ wise she's around the 98th, on a good day, on some subtests. All top or bottom, not much in between, but not an outlier at either end is how this one tests on every measure she's ever had applied to her. So her auditory performance matches her IQ performance, if that makes sense. If she was HG and we tried to get her assessed for CAPD I think we'd have failed because she barely scraped though to a diagnosis as it was and arguable if she's gifted at all, she's definitely got a problem but she's also able to compensate quite well, especially in a test environment. Not suggesting your DD has CAPD. Just suggesting that it's a bugger of a thing to test a gifted child for that mysterious "something" when the measure of a problem is made against normally developing kids.