Where we're at the three year old evaluation is done by the school district - my dd10 went through that evaluation, and just one experience in one place... but my gut feeling was that there was a large push on the part of the people doing the evaluation to *not* qualify children for services. It also is not an evaluation which would have led to a diagnosis, but instead to services for specific needs - i.e., if the child needed help with social skills and qualified, they would get that help, but they would not get a diagnosis of ASD or whatever from the evaluation (note - this may be very different in other areas!).

Neuropsychologist appointments have typically taken us around 6+ hours (for the child) as well as 1+ hour parent interviews before-hand and included testing beyond ability vs achievement. It's just my gut feeling that from the different issues you've pondered here on the boards that a complete neuropsych evaluation would be helpful in understanding what's up with your dd.

Gotta run - this may not make sense, my kids are talking to me at the same time I'm posting!
