You are lucky to have a local option!

I would want to find an audiologist with some experience with CAPD. Would you be seeing an audiologist with several years of experience, or someone in training/very new to the field?

I would also ask others in your area who have visited this center. Were they happy with their experience? Did the results make sense to them? Did they get a useful written report with recommendations for the parents and school?

Also, a list of audiologists diagnosing CAPD can be found at CAPD-US: Not familiar with this org but this may be one place to start. A few of the places we looked at were indeed on this list. Is the local audiologist listed here? Anyone else on this list local with whom you could compare the teaching hospital?

If you want to know where we went and why, you can PM me.

Last edited by laurel; 08/29/12 05:12 PM. Reason: typo