Okay, we're just waiting for the scheduling call from the university folks for CAPD and hearing testing.

DD's teacher says, "I feel that what I'm seeing in class is an attention issue."

It's not the first time it's been hinted at. But I look at inattentive ADD and I just don't see it. I mean, I see a few things, but this is not a child with trouble focusing. She also doesn't lose things much anymore (we had a brief problem with this at the beginning of last year but I can't recall our last lost item) and isn't particularly disorganized. She does, by her own admission, daydream in class, but I think this is her way of compensating for boredom. She has a very active inner fantasy life. I asked her if she ever feels like she has more trouble paying attention than other kids and she looked at me like I had two heads. IMO, she can definitely pay attention quite well. However, it's true that it can be hard to GET her attention if she is absorbed.