I'd be far more inclined to believe ASD than ADD, although honestly she is socially so well-liked these days that it doesn't seem a good fit either. Really, I know teachers see things I don't, and I know inattentive ADD is different from ADHD, but I don't see this as an ADD kid. In fact, other people's kids have always seemed unfocused and short on attention compared to her. It took me a while to realize she was the outlier. I mean, she's always been very able to sit and listen to people speaking, or sit and complete things. She sat through a lecture on water pollution issues with me recently that went over an hour--she was the only child present and listened with complete attention, asking me a lot of questions later (actually, she also cried about it later).

Sigh. I'd like to think we're going to get a CAPD dx and that it may help with some things, but even if so, it isn't going to solve everything with this kid.

Yes, if this doesn't turn anything up, we'll go on to more evals. She had a major school-related meltdown this afternoon. She is not meshing well with this teacher and I'd like to rule ADD OUT if we can, because the hinting about it is aggravating me.