Tallulah...very nice !!

If you live in certain parts of the country, a "sucker" is a piece of candy attached to a stick.

Anyway there are "swear words" and words that aren't very nice, sound tacky and are borderline inappropriate depending upon the audience.

This fall and winter all the kids were doing "what the - " which isn't anything bad in itself, and it's all over t.v. and movies, but it implies swearing and I don't think it's appropriate for 8 yr olds.

My grandmother used to say there was swearing and then there was just being "common". So if you don't want to be common, if you want to be a little more polished and sound more intelligent, there are many thousand words in the English language and get to know some more polished and clever ways of saying things.

And then there is being 12 with some inconsistent direction from teachers, and having lots to learn...just being human.