Originally Posted by KJP
Please write about your favorite myth using at least 250 words and in a manner that makes me feel good about my curriculum choices.
Bazinga! At least the teacher would know where the kid gets his verbal agression from.

But the above is still too abstract for some kids at that age.

Truth is that the assignment is perfectly worded for kids in the 'meaty middle.' For little Gifties it often works well to focus less on 'how I felt' and more on 'compare and contrast the main characters in two of the myths we read, defend your conslusions with passages from the text.' When my son did like a piece of literature, the reasons were well too sophisticated for an elementary school kid to articulate.

And if they aren't too sophisticated for the child, they may well be from lower elemantary teacher - if memory serves,my son earned a big red question mark for this spelling sentence:
Breaks: When the Character Steve in Blue's Clues talks directly to the audience, he breaks the third wall.

Good luck,

Last edited by Grinity; 04/25/12 02:32 PM.

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