Originally Posted by ABQMom
And this will be exactly what he tells me about the assignment. That she didn't ask him to make it a certain number of words, that it had to be positive, etc. If it wasn't defined, he assumes he can approach it as he wishes.
ABQMom - that's fine, just tell him the new 'Mom's Rules of School' that are
1) Be positive
2) Make any writing assignment twice as long as the kid next to you
3) Find something to like

Then tell him the 'charm school' joke and promise to teach him some new bad words if he can show that he doesn't need to attend charm school himself. If he complains that he doesn't like the rules, or that they 'shouldn't be that way' be sure to remind him that he is a kid and sometimes just has to obey, because he is a kid.

If you can do all that, I think he'll be a happier person, and it will be a great example for me of 'I can give advice that I didn't myself follow!'


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