I understand the feelings of isolation. Many people are happy at our school. DD6 got into a program that required a lottery because of the limited space so I feel somewhat of an ingrate to not be thrilled with school. When I first told some of my closest friends about the testing, I was surprised about the range of support I got - from: truly wanting to help figure out ways to meet her needs, to: high IQ scores are just a way to show you're better than someone else.
DD's spark has diminished, especially since entering 1st grade. There's an edge to her that just wasn't there before. She's been referred to a weekly program that pairs students one-on-one with an adult. It's child-led and supposedly will hep her to adjust to the classroom better. The main reason we decided to go for it was because we felt she'd be thrilled to get out of the classroom for 30 minutes and play. I admit though that when I first heard about it helping children to adjust, my mind jumped to a brain-washing scenario complete with electrodes..."You will do whatever the teacher tells you to do. You will stop interrupting with so many questions and comments. You will work on whatever the class is working on, etc."