Do you ever feel like you have the plague? I cannot stand that in order to maintain relationships I have to make due not talking about something that is so center in my life right now (educational decisions). I'm so FREAKING tired of walking on eggshells or hearing about how the public school is filled with outstanding students, etc. etc. I just want to throw down some articles and say "this" "this" is what I'm talking about. If god forbid we were challenged with a disability of some kind would ever decision I make be second guessed. would i feel so isolated. probably, grass isn't greener. so bad analogy BUT... does it get easier. probably not. ARGGGG. I have to get to a point where I've got enough other interests to talk about I guess. I swear the only friend I have that is completely open ears and frankly darn helpful is a best buddy whose son has learning disabilities (although I think frankly they may see is twice blessed or however it is phrased).

sorry, i'm on a rant from a bad lunch. but !@$!@$(&)39&% can't these people who we thought loved us see what a challenge this is... in here there are lots of people with kids like them but in a non gifted classroom in public school a kid like her might come in once every 5 years.

by the way... any suggestions for completing the YS application. she's so young dd6 it I'm having a hard time picking examples. i digress. back to

ARGGGG. You just want to have a preamble light up over your head... what I'm about to say doesn't imply she will have a better life, is a better person, or that I did anything right for her, for them.

Hmmmm... maybe too low on caffiene and maybe I'll go bite the ears off the baby's easter bunny :-)