Kickball: Hmmmm... maybe too low on caffeine and maybe I'll go bite the ears off the baby's easter bunny :-)

- Too funny! I LOL when I read this. It wasn�t until I started to respond that I realized that I�d had two cupcakes before eating lunch today. L-O-V-E sweets.

Kickball: I just want to throw down some articles and say "this" "this" is what I'm talking about.

- I wonder if the concept of LOG is too hard for some people to wrap their brains around. I�m generalizing, but it seems as if most of the people I know IRL just see: below average, average, and smart.
- When my DS was 18 mos. his teacher encouraged me to speak with the school director about a bump to an older class. When I spoke with the director she told me that my son was no different from the other (mostly) smart children.

LMom: It's almost impossible to talk about it in front of other people.

- I�ve learned to let other people talk about their children first. My old boss thought her grandson had a speech disorder b/c of the way DS was developing. When she told me this I felt awful. I thought every baby was like DS. I was a new mom and an only child with no means of comparison.

Dottie: Even my own parents don't get it.

- I�m not sure how bright DS2 is. I assume he�s only MG like his momma. However, DS�s grandmother has said that she hopes he�s not too smart b/c that would �be such a shame� b/c �those kids are too different from their age-mates.�