As I read CFK's thoughts on parents of other gifted kids I did a little self-reflection. I wondered if I was ever guilty of this and thought that I probably was.

I get so used to DS being so far ahead of everyone he is around, I take it for granted. When a kid moved in to DS's school who was as good a reader as DS, it totally threw me off for a few weeks--"my kid is the best reader in the class; he has always been the best reader; where did this guy come from?" Consciously, of course, I actually knew it was a good thing (and it is--watching them talk books together is great fun!), but I realized that I did get a little of my identity from DS being amazing and I felt a little de-throned.

I'm long over it now, but I guess I see where some of the off-putting reaction comes from. So I have to be forgiving of it in others!