My daughter's score sheets from me and done by her with the psychologist did not qualify as anxious. The self-esteem surveys come out low, but not too far below the low-normal range. The anxiety diagnosis came from observing her during the testing, including several things I do to help her cope with the anixiety without realizing it.

The intake appointment was really encouraging. I wanted to interview at least two, but frustratingly three other people haven't called me back! Anyways, we will likely go with this one. The initial weeks will focus on getting to know each other and teaching her breathing exercises, then CBT to retrain her responses to situations that have previously caused her anxiety.

My DD is older than yours. I don't know how young a child a therapist would do this kind of thing with, but it seems to have a positive track record for depression and anxiety. I suspect my DD's self-esteem will follow with the anxiety.
Good luck finding a way forward to help your DD through this.

Last edited by geofizz; 02/20/12 08:11 PM.