Originally Posted by ultramarina
DD is high on "approach" and likes new places, people, activities, and things. Though she has been afraid of thunderstorms, tornadoes and other disasters off and on, she does not have any other fears. She enjoys performing and being in front of people and makes friends easily. However, she is also very controlling and highly emotional. She also seems deeply disturbed by inaccuracy and always has to know what is "going on"--she really hates to be low on information or to not understand a situation fully (I think this may be what her teacher is seeing). School performance is important to her, though I would not call her a perfectionist.

This all sounds a lot like my daughter. In addition, she is a hypochondriac and worries constantly about getting sick. It has reached the extreme at times where she will actually throw-up. She had a total panic attack and threw up twice during a hurricane recently. In the past she has also had issues with fear of bugs and ghosts.
Her teachers have said in the past that she seem anxious and is running to them a lot to "check" to make sure she is doing things correctly. She has made herself physically ill before when she had to give a presentation.
She has to have everything done her way and at times struggles to complete tasks which she doesn't feel are done correctly. She melts down when we try to get her to move on.
She also has body issues. She thinks she is fat (which she is not) and dresses very modestly to try to camouflage her imperfections(no tight clothing etc).
I could go on..but hopefully this will give you some incite. We have taken her to psychologists in the past and she just recently started seeing one again last week. In a word living with her can be exhausting.