Another update: DD filled out the MASC and the CDI, with minor assistance from me when she didn't quite understand what was being asked. They have the scoresheets attached, so I scored her (on another sheet of paper!) I thought her scores might look high--after all, she answered she did not like herself very much, often did the wrong thing, often checked to make sure things were safe, etc. But they are not. She scored somewhat high on anhedonia and negative self-esteem and on harm avoidance, but in no case was she above the 65th%. Often she was dead-on average for her age and gender. It's possible I'm doing the scoring wrong, but I don't think so. It's pretty clearly explained.


ETA: OKay, did some further research and had a more careful look at the scoring. By one cutoff she is right on the verge of qualifying as depressed; if you go by other, higher cutoffs used by some, she would not qualify. She definitely does not score as clinically anxious. I realize I am not a psychologist and that these are just two scales.

Last edited by ultramarina; 02/20/12 07:14 PM.