Originally Posted by ultramarina
She is also a good actress--theater is a strong interest. I would think that this would be hard for someone with ASD. ...

ETA: We have both ADHD and (undiagnosed, but strongly suspected) Asperger's in the family. I have mild prosopagnosia (face blindness) AND topographic agnosia (severe problems with direction-finding), which seem to be sort of related to ASD. I don't think anyone who knows me would say I am AS, though. There is some kind of brain misfiring in that area, for sure.

FWIW my DS (w/AS) loved acting camp. He's very outgoing and likes being the center of attention. And being on stage is a highly regulated situation, same every time you rehearse, where a strong memory and sense of pattern really help. He also sings and plays an instrument: performing is an unexpected strength.

Yes, this stuff runs in families, and people who have ASD tendencies also often have something else in the mix (ADD, face-blindness, other quirks).

I'd put the family history in with your pile of other evidence and hand it to the best specialist you can find-- preferably one who's seen lots of girls with ASDs and some gifted/ASD combos. Keep a written record of "odd moments," things that go poorly, things that go well. Give your expert the raw data, tell them your concerns, and let them help you sift. This stuff is hard even for the pros. An amateur (even a devoted one such as myself) cannot diagnose. Especially over the net.

With good wishes,