
Our child has had anxiety issues that sound fairly similar to those you have described. Our child gets very worried about doing well at school and feels she will never do well or progress. Her teacher has said that in one or two subjects she could do a bit better (but is still good) but for the most part she is at the top of her class (especially in Maths and Science).

She also worries about adverse weather conditions and the recent Tsunami in Japan seemed to make matters worse for a while. I was told by a friend that maybe she worries about things she doesn't feel she can control, I have tried to keep an eye out for this and he may be right. Is this common?

Her teacher recommended a book called The Anxiety Free Child Program as she was told by a colleague that it successfully helped a child in the year below my daughter. After reading the reviews on http://honest-health-product-reviews.com/reviews/the-anxiety-free-child-program-review we decided to buy the book. I haven't had a chance to read through it yet but from what I have read so far it looks pretty helpful.