I would read the whole textbook quickly ahead too.  I don't know what grades, but I remember I started finishing all the work in the textbooks for the year quickly too, answering all the questions since I wasn't sure which questions the teacher would assign.  I did it one year, and they told me to stop doing it when I started doing it the next year.  That's what stuck in my memory, that they told me to stop.
I used to only speak properly, semi-archaic, and was frequently told I "talked like an encyclopedia".  I was weird, which is actually expected from a strict Pentecostal.  I guess I was entertaining, but weird.  
I had that one teacher I hated too. Ms. Bolton, in the second grade.  I asked her, "you don't like me and I don't like you and I don't need to be here, why don't you just skip me?". (only time I asked for a skip, it was because I was unhappy with the teacher).  She told me because it was too much work to get me tested.  The silly little things you remember, right?  Anyway, they sent me back to read with struggling first graders so at least I was out of the room every day.  
Most teachers liked me just fine.  I guess that's why I remember her.  I was told by mom the first grade teacher (who liked me a lot) had a problem with me finishing my work too quickly then going around bugging the other kids.

I was mouthy, motor-mouth, know-it all, or that's what my mom said.  She also said I was responsible, beautiful, and brilliant.  

What a fun question, mountain mom '11.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar