Parenting the Gifted Child says there's a difference between authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive parenting. �Choose B. �I think it looks like The Dog Whisperer on tv.

The Nurtured Heart Approach Workbook is a strength based discipline approach. �It rewards charachter strengths without losing rewards for transgressions, but with a zero tolerance policy for bad behavior. �It's subtitle is "transforming the difficult child." GT four year old older sibling

My dad said forget being consistent with the list of rules and consequences. �If he (your kid) does something that bothers you stop him immediately. �The consistent part is that YOU do what you say, not that life is consistent. �Ie., be quiet while I am on the phone or I will not take you to the movie theater. �That means that's what I've decided so that's what's happening. �I am free to change my mind. �In the end what I decide is what's going to happen, clearly.

I'm still trying to figure it out. �This is where I'm at. ��One thing everybody seems to agree on is that if your behavior is making people around you uncomfortable then that is bad manners. �Another is that a kid hitting their mother is The Worst Thing A Little Kid Can Do and must be treated and corrected as such. �

I want to work more on the nurtured heart approach. �I think that's what this generation of parenting's about. �Developing your child's strengths. �Going farther beyond stopping problems all the way into creating happiness.

I'm with you 100% on all of your post (except my younger's a 1 yr. old). �As you can see, or else why would I have put this much thought into it?

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar