Originally Posted by jack'smom
...I would never suggest being a doctor if you didn't really like it- 4 years college, 4 years medical school, 3-8 years training post-med school working 80-100 hours a week at $35,000 a year??
I know that there is a lot of overhead including malpractice insurance in the medical field, but is it really that low paying for a doc? Heck, my kids picked up some horrible cough from my brother's children this summer that a PA at the ped's office dx as mycoplasma is a 15 minute office visit (she saw both of them together). We were in and out in 15 mins and then off to get antibiotics which dd12 turned out to be allergic to, but that's another story.

When the bill came in, we had $138 per kid for that 15 mins, so essentially $276 for 15 mins of office time or $1104/hr. Insurance paid a little over $50 of it, leaving me with an over $200 bill for what was seriously 15 mins for both of them together.