Originally Posted by momtofour
I'm pretty shocked that you've heard repeatedly that students need to do 4-5 hours of homework a night. ...Do the counselors/principal go along with this 4-5 hour idea?
Apparently they are on board with it b/c the counselor is the one who has said this repeatedly and the assistant principal confirmed that in the parent orientation although he said that it varied from kid to kid. It isn't just the kids saying this although the upperclassman who showed her group around on the first day did tell her that you "can't" take more than one AP class or you won't be able to do any clubs or anything outside of school.

Your dd is in high school, yes, and she's very smart, yes, but she's still a kid. There's a reason she's not considered an adult, isn't living away at college, etc.. She still needs parental support and back up!
Yes, and reality is that she is 12 years old. I don't think that she is less prepared to be in 9th grade than a 14 y/o, though, and I don't want to keep bringing up her age b/c it will make it appear that way or like we are asking for special accommodations b/c she is younger, which really isn't the case. I don't think that this quantity of work would be any more reasonable for her in a year or two.

Thank you all for your ideas, BTW!