Originally Posted by CFK
Highschool AP classes and busy work is one the reasons my son is a fulltime dual enrollment student this year. University classes covering university level material in a university environment that move at a good pace with no busywork, no handholding - and absolutely no coloring!

If I were you Cricket2, I would opt for the online school rather than repeating 8th grade. If she wants the option of taking dual enrollment classes it will be much easier to get her in as a highschool student rather than a middle school student. We found that none of the places we looked at cared about age, just whether he had the prerequisite highschool courses.

Of course, fulltime online schooling for highschool until she can start taking dual enrollment classes can be a lonely proposition for some kids so you would have to factor your child's personality into your decision making.
How is that working? Did you enroll him at an online high school and also have him take some courses at a local community college or university? Or are you officially listed as a homeschooler and supplementing with college courses? Do you have to pay for the college courses?

Our local uni does have an age requirement (I've checked recently). They told me that students must be 17 by day one of the class. Dd won't even make that if she graduates high school on the path she's on now. The community college, on the other hand, does not have an age requirement for enrollment. If she's enrolled through the local school system, they pay for the community college courses but if she's not, I believe that we have to pay full tuition for them. I'd have to check to see if an online school would cover the cost of college courses.