We did a little brainstorming last night at 9 p.m. and the few options we came up with weren't acceptable to dd b/c they mostly involved dropping to lower level classes to make the work so easy that it might not take as long or dropping her photography elective for study hall. She loves photography and was really looking forward to that one (underwater photography of sirineans was her original career plan before it morphed into marine mammology.)

I did tell her that she will still get into college if she gets some Bs on her report cards, but she really wants to maintain straight As so I doubt that she'll intentionally blow off some assignments for sleep. We've had parents tell us that their kids are up until 2 a.m. doing homework at times. Given that they get up around 5:30 to get ready for school, that just isn't acceptable to me and I do want dd to have a social life and be able to participate in clubs, etc.

Thank you for the ideas, though, and we will continue to brainstorm! Part of this is that dd did have a 504 in the past and we are meeting w/ her counselor next week to discuss that and I am wondering if there are any accommodations that we can reasonably ask for that aren't "give her less work."