Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
luckily, we're in a good location (geographically) to have this be a smooth transition for her. She can live at home and attend community college coursework at 14, 15... and then smoothly transition into an excellent public university (and even transfer credits directly-- the two institutions have virtually 100% reciprocity arranged) for an undergrad degree.

We aren't too concerned about where she does an undergrad degree, and we know several homeschooling families locally that have had their kids follow that same path beginning at 13-15 years old. So there is some precedent for it.

Wow - you are wonderfully situated! Can I move to where you are? (humor alert)
It's so great that you have local connections and local models - priceless!

I get what you are saying about strong willed kids, and I personally think that dorm living well, has plenty of pros and cons.

I often giggle to think that in just a few years families will be able to buy the opportunity to have genetically engineered kids like this, and I would love to see the faces of those folks when them meet their strong willed kiddos. Fantasy and reality can be soooo different.

see you @ DYS!

Love and More Love,

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